from the INIT. A standard GetFile dialog will appear for this purpose. may have to find your check account file if you enter a check or deposit (not all of the system is completely set up when INITs are run), you Because of a problem that the CheckWriter INIT has in locating files before the INIT gets run. want to disable the CheckINIT one time, hold down the mouse button just uninstall CheckINIT, just drag it back out of the System Folder. If you You install CheckINIT by dragging it to your System Folder. To it is due again. the next date to it, and CheckINIT will ignore that transaction until Once a recurring transaction has been acted upon, CheckWriter assigns you that CheckWriter is keeping its eye out for you. transactions due that day, the CheckINIT icon will be drawn to remind programs, you cannot print checks from the INIT. If there are no the value of the deposit or check. Because of some limitations of INIT checks to the queue, enter deposits or checks into the account, and edit computer, a window will come up telling you this and will let you add one of these recurring transactions is due which you turn on your to warn you of checks or deposits which need to be made on that day. If The CheckWriter INIT is an external program which allows the Macintosh